Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Metropolitan Gymnastics CLOSED

As per the announcement by Governor Inslee, we regret to inform you that Metropolitan Gymnastics will close immediately. We will be monitoring any updates from King County and the State of Washington, but we plan to reopen once the Stay Home Order is lifted, in accordance to Governor’s orders.

We value and love all of our customers and understand this is a very difficult time for all of us so we will do our best to make sure that all of our beautiful gymnasts can come back.

We will freeze everyone’s accounts as of tonight and credit all unused tuition so that all students and athletes can resume with all tuition accounted for and ready to use. This is challenging for our business, and we want to make sure that we can open our doors again to you all at the end of this lockdown. We know this is difficult for everyone, and we want to continue to be a fun and safe space for our community for many years going forward.

Everyone, please take care and stay safe at this hard time. We want you all to return happy and healthy when all is done. If you have any questions please contact us at [email protected].


Love, Yulia and Guennadi